Title: That Summer I Gave You My Heart Genre Fluff Rating: PG Side Pairings (if any): implied!selu Warnings: - Word Count: 5k Summary: That one summer, Jongin found Do Kyungsoo. That one summer, Jongin found home. Author's Note: First of all thank you for the mods for holding this exchange and they’ve been patient although I’m not good with
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Title: something up fate’s sleeve Genre soulmate!au, romance, fluff Rating: NC-17 Side Pairings (if any): Luhan/Xiumin Warnings: [Click to view]smut, very slight language Word Count: 20,681 Summary: The universe seems to really want Jongin and Kyungsoo to be together, despite their massive differences in lifestyles and personalities. After some time,
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Title: recipe: how to soften a heart Genre fluff, slight humor Rating: PG-13 Side Pairings (if any): Warnings: Word Count: 5.2k Summary: According to Sehun, Jongin is obsessed with two things: Kyungsoo’s attention and the food from one particular chef. Author's Note: Hello dear recipient! I was half way the fic when I realized you may had
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Title: Campaigning for Your Heart Genre: Comedy, Fluff, Politics!au, College!au Rating: NC-17 Side Pairings (if any): slight!Baekyeol Warnings: [Click to view]powerbottoming, rimming Word Count: 10.7k Summary: Hillary supporter Kyungsoo meets Jongin, who is canvassing for Bernie. Election year has never been so heated. Author's Note: I am so thankful for
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Title: Paper Hearts Genre romance, angst Rating: PG13 Side Pairings (if any): suchen Warnings: [Click to view]mentions of bullying Word Count: 8.6k Summary: Jongin has feelings for his best friend, ones he keeps hidden inside a box at the back of his closet. Author's Note: I never know what to say here, so since the deadline is in less than half an hour I’
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